In order to make it fair, Susan required that the winner had to confess the number of UFO's in his/her stash to claim her prize.
The prize is now ready for the recipient, and when I inquired, was sorely disappointed.
She has 1. (As in, "one.") One that she is working on. I know that there are knitters and crocheters like this - who work on something and finish it before they move on to the next project - I just don't understand them. It's not how I'm built.
Susan S. wins a lovely wooden box, made for holding needles & notions. It came from a craft fair in England. She also gets a copy of the 365 Stitches a Year perpetual calendar.

Anyway, does anyone else care to share? Now I'm interested in who holds the record. If you can prove it - like making a list that includes pattern name, yarn, and % complete - we'll give a prize to the person with the most. Post just your number in reply to this message, and we'll worry about proof when we get a winner. (or three. We should have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes.)
In other news, Susan is almost finished with her purple shawl - here's another in-progress picture.

Until I can find the book to finish one...UFOs-10. *hangs head*
I'm with you, Ash. I have 10 or 11.
1. Those fingerless mitts made out of Happy Feet - I have cast one - ONE- on.
2. Baby bib from Mason-Dixon knitting. 95% done. Stupid finishing.
3. Versatility. Frogged 4 times, and now that I've started knitting the 5th time, I may have to frog AGAIN. My EcoWool is not so much forgiving after 4 froggings.
4. Baby Surprise Jacket - about 5% done.
5. The multi-colored spiral beret from the latest Knitty. Also about 5% done.
6. Blue cabley mittens (yes, I suck at Knittamittamo, okay?), 80% done.
7. A friend's custom-ordered scarf in college colors - 50% done.
8. Baby kimono from Mason-Dixon knitting - 95% done... baby outgrew it before I had the energy and strength to go upstairs to get the ball of yarn to finish it. Sad :(
9. Hooded Baby Blanket - 30% done.
10. Big Damn Hero hat (Jayne's hat from Firefly) - 90% done, trying to figure out pom-pom, may have to frog since finished product most definitely does NOT fit husband's head.
Ugh - sorry, Shelly. I skimmed and didn't read the "number only" comment :(
I only have 2 knitting WsIP right now! TWO! Weird, huh? Both are pairs of socks.
I have 18 ufo's in crocheting and knitting projects and I have finished two others this month. That dosent count cross stitch and sewing projects. Probably shouldn't go there.
Oh, dear. I'm afraid I have 21... that I can find. There are two more that I know for certain exist, but haven't found. Yet.
So, 23? Maybe. In my defense, I started most of these when I was learning to knit, used them to teach myself to knit, then set them aside to finish "later, when it's easier, and I knit faster." Ha.
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