Friday, May 15, 2009

Contest Winner!

As before mentioned, Susan S. was correct in her guess of 17 unfinished projects in Susan's pile of UFO's.

In order to make it fair, Susan required that the winner had to confess the number of UFO's in his/her stash to claim her prize.

The prize is now ready for the recipient, and when I inquired, was sorely disappointed.

She has 1. (As in, "one.") One that she is working on. I know that there are knitters and crocheters like this - who work on something and finish it before they move on to the next project - I just don't understand them. It's not how I'm built.

Susan S. wins a lovely wooden box, made for holding needles & notions. It came from a craft fair in England. She also gets a copy of the 365 Stitches a Year perpetual calendar.

Anyway, does anyone else care to share? Now I'm interested in who holds the record. If you can prove it - like making a list that includes pattern name, yarn, and % complete - we'll give a prize to the person with the most. Post just your number in reply to this message, and we'll worry about proof when we get a winner. (or three. We should have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes.)

In other news, Susan is almost finished with her purple shawl - here's another in-progress picture.


  1. Until I can find the book to finish one...UFOs-10. *hangs head*

  2. I'm with you, Ash. I have 10 or 11.

    1. Those fingerless mitts made out of Happy Feet - I have cast one - ONE- on.

    2. Baby bib from Mason-Dixon knitting. 95% done. Stupid finishing.

    3. Versatility. Frogged 4 times, and now that I've started knitting the 5th time, I may have to frog AGAIN. My EcoWool is not so much forgiving after 4 froggings.

    4. Baby Surprise Jacket - about 5% done.

    5. The multi-colored spiral beret from the latest Knitty. Also about 5% done.

    6. Blue cabley mittens (yes, I suck at Knittamittamo, okay?), 80% done.

    7. A friend's custom-ordered scarf in college colors - 50% done.

    8. Baby kimono from Mason-Dixon knitting - 95% done... baby outgrew it before I had the energy and strength to go upstairs to get the ball of yarn to finish it. Sad :(

    9. Hooded Baby Blanket - 30% done.

    10. Big Damn Hero hat (Jayne's hat from Firefly) - 90% done, trying to figure out pom-pom, may have to frog since finished product most definitely does NOT fit husband's head.

  3. Ugh - sorry, Shelly. I skimmed and didn't read the "number only" comment :(

  4. I only have 2 knitting WsIP right now! TWO! Weird, huh? Both are pairs of socks.

  5. I have 18 ufo's in crocheting and knitting projects and I have finished two others this month. That dosent count cross stitch and sewing projects. Probably shouldn't go there.

  6. Oh, dear. I'm afraid I have 21... that I can find. There are two more that I know for certain exist, but haven't found. Yet.

    So, 23? Maybe. In my defense, I started most of these when I was learning to knit, used them to teach myself to knit, then set them aside to finish "later, when it's easier, and I knit faster." Ha.

